Project Timeline

Project Timeline

The project is split into two major milestones. Beyond, there are future items that would be great to build.

Milestone 1: Nostr Native Podcasts

Duration: 23 weeks

  • Build Podstr author: web client for authoring podcasts info and publishing to Nostr
  • Build Podstr player: basic podcast listening and follow/subscribe functionality into web client as an example
  • Author and/or Contribute to NIP for audio & pods with Podcast 2.0 Namespace support
  • Set up and maintain community podcast relay
  • Podstr integration with a second client, like

Milestone 2: Adoption

Duration: 16 weeks

  • Build Podstr RSS XML API and tool
  • Build and maintain Community Website
  • Documentation for traditional and nostr podcast apps to integrate with Podstr relays
  • Cultivate community of relays
  • Attract creators to publish podcast on Nostr


Duration: 7 weeks

  • Podcast Index integration
  • Ongoing Hosting Fees
  • NIP-05 Addresses for Podstr creators
  • Ongoing NIP-05 Service